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Posted by : Aryani Kamis, 27 November 2014

Reading Compherension

Batam military chief replaced
Fadli The Jakarta Post, Batam| Archipelago | Wed, September 24 2014, 5:05 PM
Archipelago News
A military official with the Wira Pratama Regional Military Command in Batamsaid Army headquarters had decided to replace Regional Military Command chief Brig. Gen.Bujang Zuirman.Bujang, who will be posted at Army headquarters, will be replaced by Col.Eko Margiyono.
“The replacement has long been planned and it has nothing to do with the recent shootings,” Wira Pratama Regional Military Command spokesman Maj.Jhoni Tambunan said Wednesday.
He said the inauguration ceremony would be organized after a similar ceremony for the Bukit Barisan I Military Command chief post, which would involve current chief Maj. Gen. Istu Hari Subagyo and predecessor Maj. Gen. WinstonPardamean Simanjuntak on Sept. 26.
Earlier, Bujang had said in defense of the soldiers shot by police during the fuel smuggling raid that two of his soldiers had been there simply because they lived nearby but had been shot allegedly because the police suspected them of being fuel smugglers.
Four soldiers were shot in the thigh by the police during a fuel smuggling raid. They were Chief Pvt.Eka Basri, First Pvt.Eko, First Pvt. Ari and First Pvt.Hari.
Papua slaughters 50 pigs to celebrate Jokowi’s victory
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Archipelago | Wed, September 24 2014, 4:52 PM
Archipelago News
Hundreds of Papuan indigenous people participated in the slaughter of 50 pigs atTrikora Field, AbepuraJayapura, Papua, on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the victory of Joko Jokowi” Widodo and his running mate Jusuf Kalla in the 2014 presidential election.
“We thank God for the victory of the Jokowi-Kalla partnership. We are celebrating in the traditional way today by slaughtering 50 pigs,” said Maria, a representative of Papuan indigenous people, as quoted by kompas.com, adding that the ceremony was known as Baratem.
Maria said that the party, attended by some 500 people, also marked Papuan participation in the nation’s democratic journey.
According to Maria, all participants enjoyed themselves thoroughly during theBaratem.
She went on to say that all Papuans hoped that the former Surakarta mayor could provide better education and health services in the region, as well as develop Papua’s infrastructure.
Jokowi, for his part, enjoyed the celebrations from his office at City Hall via teleconference. The Jakarta governor said that Papua’s development was one of the priority programs for his Cabinet, and that he was committed to implementing said program immediately after his inauguration by the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) on Oct. 20.

Simple present tense di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian,kegiatan,aktivitas dan sebagainya yang terjadi saat ini. Present tense juga di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu fakta, atau sesuatu yang terjadi berulang-ulang di masa kini.

Verbal :
Positif    : S + V1 ( s/es )
Negatif  : S + DO/DOES + NOT +V1
Tanya     : DO/DOES +S + V1
Jika subject nya I, YOU, WE, THEY di tambahkan DO
namun jika subject nya SHE, HE, IT, Name Person(orang ketiga tunggal) di tambahkan DOES
Nominal :
Positif    : S + TO BE ( is,am,are )
Negatif   : S + TO BE + NOT
Tanya     : TO BE + S
Contoh :
 Wira pratama regional military command in Batam
Positif    : Wira Pratama is regional military command in Batam.
Negatif   : Wira Pratama is not regional military command in Batam.
Tanya     :  is Wira Pratama regional military command in Batam ?
Karena pada kalimat yang terdapat di atas tidak terdapat kata kerja, maka kalimat tersebut di jadikan simple present tense dalam bentuk nominal. Namun jika pada kalimat terdapat kata kerja maka di gunakan rumus verbal.
Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk peristiwa dan kejadian atau perbuatan yang di lakukan berulang-ulang pada saat tertentu di waktu lampau dalam bentuk kata kerja sederhana.
keterangan waktu pada simple past tense yaitu :
Yesterday         : Kemarin
Last night         : Tadi malam
Last week         : Minggu lalu
Last month       : Bulan lalu
Last year           : Setahun yang lalu
Last century      : Seabad yang lalu
Last two days    : 2 hari yang lalu
The other days  : Dulu / hari yang lain.
Verbal :
Positif     : S + VERB II + OBJECT
Negatif    : S + DID + NOT + VERB I + OBJECT
Tanya      : DID + S + VERB I + OBJECT
Nominal :
Positif      : S + BE (was/were) + NON VERB + OBJECT
Negatif     : S + BE (was/were) + NOT + NON VERB + OBJECT
Tanya       : BE (was/were) + S + NON VERB + OBJECT
She went on to say that all papuans hoped that the former Surakarta mayor could provide better education.
Positif    : She went on to say that all papuans hoped that the former Surakarta
                mayor could provide better education.
Negatif  : She did not  go on to stay that all papuans hoped that the former 
               Surakarta mayor could provide better eduction.
Tanya      Did she go on to say that all papuans hoped that the former Surakarta
                mayor could provide better education ?
Future tense digunakan untuk meyatakan peristiwa yang akan terjadi.
future tense adalah tentang nanti.
Keterangan waktu yang biasa di tambahkan pada future tense yaitu :
Tomorrow              : Besok
Next month            : Bulan depan
Three days to go     : 3 hari lagi
Next year                : Tahun depan
Next week              : Minggu depan
dan segala sesuatu yang menunjukkan “akan” tersebut.

Positif      : S + SHALL/WILL + V1
Negatif    : S + SHALL/WILL + NOT + V1
Tanya       : SHALL/WILL  + S + V1
Untuk dan We boleh memakai will atau shall.
sedangkan subject yang lain seperti She, he, it, you, they semuanya memakaiwill.
Bujang will be replaced by Col. Eko Margiyono
Positif     :  Bujang will be replace by Col. Eko Margiyono.
Negatif    : Bujang will not replace by Col. Eko Margiyono.
Tanya      will Bujang replace by Col. Eko Margiyono ?
Karena future tense menggunakan kata kerja pertama atau verb 1, maka kata kerja replaced pada kalimat di atas di ganti menjadi replace.
Passive voice (kalimat pasif ) adalah kalimat yang subjectnya di kenai suatu pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain subject kalimat tersebut menjadi sasaran kegiatan yang di nyatakan oleh kata kerja.
Active voice ( kalimat aktif ) adalah kalimat yang subjectnya berbuat sesuatu atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
Subject + be + verb 3 + by + object
The soldiers shot by police
Active      : Police shoots the soldiers.
passive     : The soldiers are shot by police.
Kata the soldiers shot by police di atas di ubah ke dalam bentuk tenses simple present tense. M aka untuk mengubah nya ke dalam bentuk present tense yaitu, pada kalimat passive setelah object di tambahkan to be are dan kata kerja nya memakai verb 3 (kata kerja ke 3) lalu di ikuti oleh by.
Dan untuk kalimat active nya setelah subject di tambahkan verb 1 dengan menambahkan s /es lalu object.
Contoh lain untuk merubah active voice (kalimat aktif) ke dalam bentuk passive voice (kalimat pasif) :
Simple present
Ana helps Jane
Jane is helped by Ana.
Present progressive
Ana is helping Jane.
Jane is being helped by Ana.
Present perfect
Ana has helped Jane.
Jane has been helped by Ana.
Simple past
Ana helped Jane.
Jane was helped by Ana.
Past progressive
Ana was helping Jane.
Jane was being helpedby Ana.
Past perfect
Ana had helped Jane.
Jane had been helped by Ana.
Simple future
Ana will help Jane.
Jane will be helped by Ana.
To be going to
Ana is going to help Jane.
Jane is going to be helped by Ana.
Future perfect
Ana will have helpedJane.
Jane will have been helped by Ana.
Catatan :
Tidak ada pertanyaan.

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