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Posted by : Aryani Kamis, 27 November 2014

FREE Reading Comprehension Printable Worksheets for Kids

These printables are two-page ./pdfs. The first page is a relevant reading comprehension passage about a topic of interest. The second page is a list of eight or ten multiple choice questions for the passage designed to mirror those that might be found on state mandated standardized tests. Answer sheets are also available.
Printable Reading Comprehension | Answers
Grade 2 and up
  1. Woodpeckers
  2. Hummingbirds
  3. Bald Eagle
  4. Money
  5. What is a Bank?
  6. The Color Green
  7. The United States
  8. Dolphins (NEW)
  9. Spiders (NEW)
  10. Blue Whale (NEW)
Grade 3 and up
  1. American Revolution (NEW!)
  2. Benjamin Franklin
  3. Buffalo of the Great Plains
  4. Butterflies
  5. Dallas Cowboys (NEW)
  6. Christopher Columbus
  7. Crickets
  8. Harriet Tubman (NEW)
  9. Rainbows (NEW)
  10. Raisins (NEW)
  11. Silk Road
Grade 4 +
  1. Amazon Rainforest
  2. Arctic Fox (NEW)
  3. Belle Boyd – A Confederate spy
  4. Christoper Columbus
  5. Connecticut Colony
  6. George Washington
  7. Georgia Colony
  8. Harriet Tubman
  9. Jacques Cartier
  10. James Madison
  11. Jupiter
  12. Loggerhead Sea Turtle
  13. Maryland Colony
  14. Massachusetts Colony
  15. Mexico
  16. Narwhal (NEW)
  17. New Jersey Colony
  18. North Carolina Colony
  19. Penguins
  20. Pennsylvania Colony
  21. Ponce de Leon
  22. Robert Sieur de la Salle
  23. Sacagawea
  24. Sharks
  25. Spiders(NEW)
  26. Susan B. Anthony
  27. Venus
Grades 5 and up
  1. Abe Lincoln’s Childhood
  2. Abe Lincoln (Middle Years 1)
  3. Abe Lincoln (Middle Years 2)
  4. Abe Lincoln (Middle Years 3)
  5. Abe Lincoln (President 1)
  6. Abe Lincoln (President 2)
  7. Abe Lincoln (President 3)
  8. Abe Lincoln (President 4)
  9. Age of Exploration
  10. Battle of Fort Sumter
  11. Battle of the Ironclads
  12. Battles of Lexington and Concord
  13. Battles in New York City
  14. Battle of Saratoga
  15. Battle of Shiloh Church
  16. Battle of Trenton
  17. Benedict Arnold
  18. Boston Massacre
  19. Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Act
  20. Christopher Columbus
  21. Civil War
  22. Dallas Cowboys (NEW)
  23. Declaration of Independence
  24. First Battle of Bull Run
  25. Fort Ticonderoga
  26. Jackie Robinson
  27. Jamestown (Virginia Colony 1)
  28. Jamestown (Virginia Colony 2)
  29. Jamestown (Virginia Colony 3)
  30. John Hancock
  31. Plymouth Colony
  32. Rhode Island Colony
  33. Siege at Yorktown
  34. South Carolina Colony
  35. Thomas Jefferson
  36. Thomas Paine & Common Sense
  37. Winter at Valley Forge

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